February 4, 2021

REANA 0.7.2 is released

We are glad to announce the release of REANA 0.7.2, a minor update allowing REANA administrators to configure user sign-up and user email verification options.

What’s new?

Mandatory user email verification

From REANA 0.7.2 on, the new users who sign up to register an account will have to confirm their email identity. The users will not be able to use the system until they confirm their email address by means of a special link that is sent to them by email after the registration.

sign-up success

Please don’t forget to set up the SMTP deployment options (notifications.email_config.*) so that REANA would be able to send emails to users.

If you would like to disable this feature and allow any user to sign up with no confirmation, you can configure REANA_USER_EMAIL_CONFIRMATION value under components.reana_server.environment at the Helm deployment time:

    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    image: reanahub/reana-server:0.7.1
      processes: 6
      threads: 4

Configurable sign-up form

REANA 0.7.2 also enables administrators to fully hide the sign-up form from the web interface. This will prevent users from registering on the system. Instead, the users will be given instructions on how to contact administrators:

sign-up hidden

The option to completely hide the user sign-up form can be interesting to use if you would like to manage all your users manually.

The sign-up form can be hidden by configuring components.reana_ui.hide_signup value at the Helm deployment time:

     enabled: true
     docs_url: http://docs.reana.io
     forum_url: https://forum.reana.io
     imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
     image: reanahub/reana-ui:0.7.0
+    hide_signup: true

You can also amend an existing REANA deployment in the command line:

$ helm upgrade reana reanahub/reana --set components.reana_ui.hide_signup=true

Please don’t forget to set up the administrator email notification receiving address (notifications.email_config.receiver) when using this option.


See also:

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